The question before us is one which is being answered in two different ways, One group will say “Of course you need a home church”, while? another will say, “We know you don’t have to have; a home church”. Which is right and why is it so important? Does it really matter to the master where we go to church? This is a question to which, like many, there are no black and white answers.


The word tells us “Thou shalt not steal” so we know not to steal. However nowhere to my knowledge does the word say “Thou shalt have a home, church”. That would make everything very simple. Neither doe’s it say “Thou doest not need a home; church”. So how do we answer the question?


I believe we need to take the scriptures and see which way they point as Isaiah said here a little, there a little, line upon line and precept upon precept. God never leaves us in the dark. There are always answers in his word if we seek with an open mind. Many times we tend to seek with our minds made up. IF that’s the case with you, going any further is a waste of your time. If you want to truly know what God would he pleased with, and then read on with an open mind and heart. Don’t reject anything until you’ve read it all and have gone back and considered the points that didn’t agree with your theology.


The Greek word ecclesia is used to describe the church in the New Testament. This word means the called out or the assembly. The Greek translation of the Old Testament known as the Septuagint used this word seventy-three times. In every instance it is; used in reference to an assembly or meeting in one Locality which was representative of the whole nation. In the New Testament it has two applications to Christians.

1. To describe the local congregation which is a separate church, yet part of the body of Christ which consists of all the churches?


2.   To describe the body of Christ, which includes all of God’s children wherever they are? This includes all of the local churches and the body of Christ is to be manifested in each of these local congregations.






The New Testament has much teaching concerning the church as a local assembly. The original church at Jerusalem began to be duplicated elsewhere, Reference is made to the church which was at Jerusalem (Acts 1:8); The church which is at Cenchera (Rom. 16:1) The Church of God which is at Corinth I Cor 1:2); there are several other references to local churches in the scriptures which I will include at the end.  Also there are references to churches in homes.

I. (Rom 16: 3, 4 & 5 the church in Aquilla and Pricilla’s house)

2.   I Cor 16:19 Aquilla & Pricilla’s

3.   Col. 4: 12, 13, 14 & 15 is evidently a church either at Epaphras or Demas house

4.   (Phil. verse 2 Church in house of Philemon).


There seems to be no objection in scripture to having a church in a house. However at this time these were probably the only churches in the area. So we can see that there are definite local churches which again are separate, but yet a part of each other. These are all ordained of God and a part of the family.


As I sat and thought about all of this it seemed as
though I could see a Thread of misunderstanding running
through everything said concerning a home church. Some of
God’s people cannot seem to separate the body of Christ as a whole which includes all of the churches, and the local churches which are each a separate flock or body of Christ and yet a part of the overall body of Christ.


This was the same problem the early church had with the Idea of three God’s (Father, Son & Holy Ghost) all being very distinct, different & separate yet all being one and the same. This doctrine is still abroad in the land, we call it “Oneness” or ”Jesus Only”.


These people use scriptures such as Eph. 4: 5 & 6 One Lord, one faith, one baptism, One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. To try to prove there is only one God and his name is Jesus instead of a trinity or three which are separate and distinct yet truly one.


We, of course, have no problem understanding that there is “ONE” which consist of three, Father, Son & Holy Ghost. We can’t understand why they err on this point. Yet some of God’s people make the same error and can’t understand that even though Eph, 4:4 tells us there is one body, and one spirit, even as ye are called in one hope of your calling. That there is truly “ONE” church which consists of many churches.


They can’t seem to grasp that each of these churches is an entity within its self completely separate from all the other local churches. Able within itself to have all the parts necessary to the body of Christ, able to minister to the needs of the flock in its locality, yet a very intricate part of the total church.


This misunderstanding is what has caused the doctrine that says we don’t need a local or home church that there is just one church and we are all a part of it and it doesn’t matter where we go or even whether or not we go to church at all. Again we are a part of the “ONE” church, yet we need to be in a local congregation with one of the Chief Shepherd’s (Jesus Christ) under Shepherds to care for us.


If you consider the scriptures concerning the church and the body of Christ there doesn’t seem to be anything pointing to this doctrine of not being a part of a local congregation. There are however, a lot of passages pointing toward the idea of belonging to a local body of Christ and at the same time belonging to the body of Christ, which includes all the churches.


Paul, of course, had no permanent local or home church as he was an Apostle to the gentiles and established many local flocks of God’s children. However, Paul did have a home church for at least 10 to I2 years as near as I can tell. He made it a practice to attend this local church when he was living there between his journeys. This consisted of quite a bit of time How much I guess would have to be determined by reading the scriptures and trying to figure out the amount of time between each journey


This was, of course, the church at   Antioch. Barnabas was the first to go to the   church at Antioch which had been established by Stephen originally. When he saw how God was working he went to find Paul and bring him to Antioch. Here they remained for a year.(Acts 11:19 to 26)


The church at Antioch then sent them to Jerusalem with an offering for the poor saints there. (Acts 11:27 to 30)


After they had finished the ministry which the church had sent them to do (Deliver the money to Jerusalem) they returned to Antioch and remained until their first missionary journey from there. (Acts 12:25)


Paul and Barnabas then went on a missionary journey sent by the church at Antioch (Acts 13:1 & 3)


When it was finished they came back and reported to the local church at Antioch what had had happened and abode there with them a long time (Acts 14:26, 27 & 28)


I don’t know how long “a long time” was, but this was in addition to the year spent there before the trip to Jerusalem to take their offering, and the time spent between their return and the beginning of their missionary journey.


The  Church  at  Antioch  then  sent  Paul  and  Barnabas  to straighten out  a matter that had  arisen.

(Acts 15:1, 2, & 3)

When the problem was settled by the Apostles at Jerusalem Paul again returned to Antioch and after assembling the church gave them instructions and stayed again teaching and preaching at Antioch.

(Acts 15:30, 31, 3£, 33, 34, & 35)

Sometime later Paul left Antioch again to go around      to the Churches (Acts   15:36)

When this journey was completed he again returned to Antioch. (Acts18:22 & 23)

As I said this was Paul’s home church for about 10 to 12 years Paul, of course, was an apostle and had the care of all the churches. But even this great man practiced the attending of a home church and thereby left us an example to follow I would venture to say there are few Paul’s among us today who have the care of all the churches. If there are they have a right to spend whatever time necessary going from church to church to discharge that care placed on them by GOD.


 However Children of God and ministers and Elder’s should follow the example given us by the apostle Paul and attend a local church. That is not to say we should not visit. We definitely would miss one of the joys of being a part of the body of Christ if we failed to do this.


Visiting is full of excitement and pleasure, I remember when I was a child I loved to visit. It didn’t matter who or where just as long as I got to go visit. Children, don’t like responsibility and don’t understand the need for it. They like to play, to have pleasure and excitement, but not to be involved in anything serious or burdensome.


There are times when problems arise and it’s very necessary to have “full time” members to shoulder these responsibilities. If no one had a home church then there would be no churches, because there would be no one to support them. I have heard some say that believe the doctrine of not being a part of the local body “If you’re a pastor you’re a pastor wherever you are, if you’re an elder you are an elder wherever you are or if you are a child of God you’re one wherever you are”. This is true, but the same misunderstanding is applied here as in the

“ONENESS” doctrine


Let’s talk about this. There were elders in every church and these were elders of that church. They also were, of course, an elder if they visited another church. If a minister or Elder from another local assembly comes to our assembly they are recognized in their position. However, let’s consider a few things.


In Acts 15:21 to 23 Paul & Barnabas went through several places confirming the souls of the believers and ordaining elders in every church. It doesn’t say in the body of Christ but, in every church. When they went to Jerusalem they went to see the Apostles and the Elders of that church. When the dispute was settled the letter was sent from the apostles and elders and brethren. Evidently there were lay members in this local church at Jerusalem also not just Apostles & Elders. This was good because that gave the Elders somebody to have the oversight of (which was their job).


In Acts 20::17 Paul makes his final charge to a group of Elders. Are these all the elders of the body of Christ? I believe? If we read we will find that it is a charge to the elders of the church at Ephesus. Of course it: applies to all the churches because we are all a part of the body of Christ. Yet it was given to the elders of a local congregation.


In Acts 21:17 & 18 Paul went to Jerusalem and in to see James. The word of God says all the Elders were present. Did that mean all the Elders of the body of Christ were present? Or The elders of the church at Jerusalem?


In I Timothy Paul had left him at Ephesus to take care of some false teachings there and evidently to ordain Elders as This is where most people get their qualifications for Elders. In chapter 5:17 Paul tells Timothy that the elders which rule well are to be accounted worthy of double honor especially those who Labor in the word and doctrine. Again this was addressed to a man at a certain church but is sound doctrine for all churches.


In Titus 1:5 Paul tells him to set in order the things that are wanting and ordain elders. Where did he tell him to ordain them? In every city, so they were to be elders and overseers of local flocks, churches or congregations whichever you want to call them.


If we are not supposed to belong to a local congregation then who are the ones who are supposed to be a part of the flock, in these local cities? Who are these Elders supposed to be over? If they are not over the local flock, then they must be over a group wandering sheep. Which with this doctrine of not having a local church or not having to even go to church if true would be the case?


However Jesus said the shepherd left the ninety & nine to go seek the wandering sheep, Maybe there are a special distinct; group of people that don’t need an Elder, Shepherd or Pastor over them. Could it be that they have grown so much in the Lord they no longer need that care? If this is the case, then they don’t need to go to a local church or anywhere else unless God is sending them to help the rest of us rise up to that same level where they are.


I don’t think this is the case. As Bro. Hodges used to say “You don’t get to old to learn unless you go crazy” I just feel that these folks have a very misguided conception of the body of Christ. Also a misguided understanding of the scriptures Which corresponds with the Jesus only theory.


I hope that so far I have shown that the word of God definitely points to us having a home church. The children of God who lean toward this doctrine are good people whom I love and nothing I’ve written is intended to ridicule or put down in anyway. Every soul is precious and my only desire is to help.


Some of God’s people have church in their home and just don’t say it’s a church. There is nothing against this as long as you have Elders who can teach and watch out for them, because if that’s the case then that is another fold and those Elders are the ones who are responsible for the souls under their care. If this is the case then it should be so stated and not to try to make a new doctrine by saying you don’t need a home church or fold.

Just Say “This is my home church. We have services such and such a time. Bro So & So is our Leader, Pastor, Shepherd, Elder, Watchman, Deacon Bishop or whatever you want to call him, come and see us sometime. That statement would not cause confusion among the people of God young or old. However, it would demand that somebody take responsibility for the care of that flock and their needs. God wants his children to rejoice and enjoy his blessings.


Many times I have been with a few good children of God at someone’s home and we would talk about God’s ways and pray. This resulted in a real blessing Many times I have even been by myself and received the good blessings of God. This is truly enjoyable but, it does not take the place of belonging to a local assembly. We are all part of the body and necessary. God’s word teaches us to be under one of the overseers he has ordained in his church. It also points to this being in a local church.


 In God’s church there are not only pastors, but helpers, governments and so forth, but these are to be ordained and manifest in each local church, they work  together not independent of each other. They won’t tear down and confuse the children of God if they are part of the helps and governments of the church. They are also part of a local fold of God’s children helping the local elders and pastor with that flock. They could work in their capacity anywhere they are, but their first responsibility is to the local flock where God placed them.


They were part of the things needed to set in order the things which were lacking as Paul told Titus. It seems as though I am having a hard time ending this there are so many things today which tear down and destroy my prayer is nothing I write or say will do that.


I know we have problems among us, but they had problems in Paul’s day. Demas forsook Paul having loved this present world. Diotrophes loved to have the preeminence among the Hymeanus and Alexander made shipwreck concerning the faith, There are many more instances of problems. This is the reason everyone of God’ sheep is supposed to be under the watchful eye of a shepherd if possible. If you don’t have access to a church where the gifts are then God will still protect you. If there is a shepherd close any sheep naturally speaking would like to be under their care. Should we want any less to be under the care of or one of God’s under shepherds?


Jesus is called Great Shepherd, Good Shepherd, Chief Shepherd and he truly is.  He is the Bishop of our   souls. When Jesus talked with Peter the last time he gave   him three charges. Feed my Lambs, feed my Sheep, and   feed my Sheep. In other words be a Shepherd take care of   my flock. We would all agree that’s what Jesus was telling Peter. Yet if we begin to talk of men being Shepherds over local flocks, then the misunderstanding arises again.


When you carry these thoughts of no local congregations or local shepherds to a conclusion. Then we would need no churches, no buildings anywhere, we would just have wandering children of God and Ministers and Elders. Belonging nowhere just roaming around from place to place or even worse going nowhere at all.


I can find this teaching nowhere in God’s word. I can find where Shepherds are supposed to have a flock to watch over. I don’t believe we have any among us that God has ordained watch over the entire body of Christ. So he must expect us to be responsible for the flock over which he has made us overseer. In reading the word of God, Paul treats every church as a separate fold and the man or men in charge as shepherd or overseer of that fold.


Gods’ word teaches us some things about those over us.


1. To submit yourselves to them I Peter 5:5 & Heb.    13:17


2. To give them honor & double honor. I Tim. 5:17


3. To remember them and follow them. Heb. 13:7


4. To obey them. Heb. 13:17


5. To know them I Thess: 5:12


Each local fold has a Shepherd and Elders. These men are the “THEM” the word of God refers to. They can preach to you anywhere you and they are together and you can receive strength from it, There are a lot more duties assigned to the Shepherd than just preaching. Let’s consider a few of them.


1.   A Watchman in Paul’s last address to the elders at Ephesus he told them to watch. The reasons were that grievous wolves would enter in not sparing the flock. Paul said, “Even rising from among yourselves.” There are enemies outside and inside and it is the shepherds’ duty to watch. Ezekiel 33 is very plain on what happens if the shepherd fails to watch and warn


2, Protector - When he sees the danger coming whether its a doctrine  people living to lax, minds disturbed, people wanting  their own way opposing themselves, seducing spirits or hundreds and thousands of other things. It’s his job to defend the sheep.  Those of us who feel we are shepherds need to spend more time building barriers against dangers sometimes it seems we are nearly oblivious to what’s going on until it’s too late.


God is holding us responsible. If we don’t do our jobs we will come before him bloody hands, We are losing so many people now among our churches and no doubt part of the blame lies with us. It is a very serious thing to declare yourself a watchman. If we fail to discharge that duty properly God says. he will hold us responsible for the fate of those we are supposed to be a watchman for


3. Guide--Sheep need a guide. They cannot go in and out   and find pasture by themselves “They must be led or   guided, they cannot be driven their nature is to follow  men are the same way a pastor’s flock will follow if he will only lead. He is to be their instructor to lead them into paths of righteousness. The pastor can’t say you need to do so and so. They must do those things which are needful and then say come on follow me.


4. Physician—-A shepherd was a physician to the sheep.  People have many diseases and there is, always someone in the flock sick naturally, morally or spiritually.  There are sick hearts and sick spirits in our churches. God has given his shepherds that instinct to use the word and love for relief and healing to those troubled souls. This is a special gift from God. So many times those people will kick and fight against the help offered. The shepherd must be able to win them with love and help them in the spirit of meekness.


5. Savior — A shepherd saves the sheep that are lost straying. Sheep seem to have a knack for getting lost. They lose their way through stupidity, heedlessness and folly. Men are very similar in nature. Pastors sometimes fail to have the desire to seek those who are lost. They are more interested in the sheep in the fold. They reason, “Why don’t they come in it’s their fault. The church is open. The word of God is preached. They are fond of good sheep that behave well and don’t give them any trouble. One of Gods woes to the had this quote in it,


The diseased have ye not strengthened, neither have ye healed that which was sick neither have ye bound up that which was broken, neither  have ye  brought again that which was driven away neither have ye sought that which was lost, but with cruelty have ye ruled them.

Ezekiel 34:4. 


So many times we make excuses and justify ourselves. We take it personally as a slap to us that they are forsaking us. We resent their roving. We feel we have   preached right up to the mark and it’s not our fault.


Brethren when that roving member has gone into the camp of Satan we better know we tried everything possible to keep them, to draw them back into the fold, or else our  hands may be bloody.


6.   A Feeder — Feeding is an essential duty of a shepherd. Sheep cannot find pasture or water by themselves. When the minister is in the pulpit it is the shepherd in the act of feeding. Jesus said,

“I   am  the bread of  life,”  so a pastor needs to feed  his  flock that  which  will  cause  them  to look to Jesus. When we preach to the flock if their spiritual eyes are fastened on us and don’t look right on past us to Jesus, we are giving them the wrong food. As the word of God teaches He must increase (JESUS) and we must decrease.


Everything we teach should lift up the name of Jesus. Instead of the children of God saying, “Bro. So & So   teaches,” they should say “Thus saith the Lord.” When we   preach Jesus it will heal the broken hearts, it will cause that one straying to come back to the fold. If one was driven away it will, bring him back. It will cause strife to cease and peace to return. It will lift up the Son of God and not man. We are what we eat spiritually, may God help us to be fed right and to eat right.


7.   HE LOVES THE SHEEP-This is all of it wrapped up in one. When the Shepherd is not watching, protecting, healing, feeding, or guiding he is communing with the sheep, A pastor of God’s flock must be a lot of things. Paul said, “I am made all things to all men that I might by all means save some.”


That is what a Shepherd must do. If we truly love those over whom God has given us responsibility, we will do whatever is necessary to help them. We won’t be worrying about ourselves and trying to look good in the eyes of others. Instead our hearts will be wrapped up in caring for the sheep. Our love for them will show and when did love ever fail?


I put these things a shepherd should do in here and I feel certain most would agree with them. In closing out this little discourse on a home church I’d like to leave a question or two with you.


If you are supposed to have someone over you, who is to watch, guard, guide, heal, seek when straying, feed and most of all love you? And if God put these men over local folds, congregations or churches and if you are not a part of one of these folds, but wander from fold to fold, how are they to know which one is to watch for your soul?


How will they know if you are in church or not? How will they know if you are up or down spiritually? How will they know if you need special care and feeding? Some will say we should let God tell us. if you are part of the flock of that Shepherd I believe he will. If you are wandering from here to there, and teaching his children to wander, “He might. He doesn’t have much mercy on people who teach his children to stray. God ordained the order of things and he will not change it for any of us and we don’t want him to.


I fully realize that Jesus is the chief shepherd of our souls, but I believe myself and others are ordained to watch over different folds of his Flock. I also feel after reading, researching, praying and studying this question that if you are not part of one of his folds then you are probably just a wandering sheep without the protection which God ordained for you in his word. You no doubt are on the heart of a shepherd and he must continually leave the ninety & nine to go see about you. This takes a lot of time from his duties to the other sheep. Maybe it has now gotten to the point that the Shepherd has quit coming to see about you.


If we persist in having our own way and not being subject to the things ordained in God’s word, then he will withdraw and leave us to ourselves. I read once of a man who had a beautiful ewe and all her lambs were perfect. She had one bad habit, no matter how plush the pasture the flock was put in she wanted out. She would search until she found a way through the fence, after awhile she began to teach her lambs this trick. Soon other sheep were following her lead. one Morning the shepherd arose and with a heavy heart loaded the ewe on the truck and took her to the slaughter house.


God doesn’t want teachers of things which confuse leading his people astray. If you are not part of a local church and under one of God’s overseers, be very careful. You are in great danger, and at some point in your wanderings may encounter a wolf or a trap that will overcome you.


I love God’s people and want to help all I can to make it. Please consider all these things and pray that we all can make it to that land of perfect day.


I had intended to give several more references to scriptures concerning local churches.  I decided not to do that, I think there is enough in what I have written and if anyone wants to find more it is not hard to study for yourself.


I realize some who read this will agree and some won’t. It truly is a shame we can’t reason together and walk by the same rule. Some feel this question is of little importance, but I feel it is of soul saving importance. I hear a lot talk about being spiritual, if we are our faith is based on God’s word and not on little ideas and opinions.


This question is not a “pet peeve” of mine it arose and I have tried to answer it carefully and prayerfully. If you find any of the things in here to be wrong “Please” come and talk with me and let us reason together. I want to help today as god’s word tells us, “though we have 10,000 instructors in Christ, yet not many fathers. My desire is not be just another instructor but a father in the Lord.



Bro Billy Parker

Written in approximately 1982-1983